Textile Compensator (Expansion Joint)

Textile compensators are flexible connection members that are used in order to prevent movements and vibrations occurred in ducts due to temperature changes. Impermeability element is the most important component of compensator. Impermeability element should be resistant against pressures from inside and outside and chemical attacks. And should be flexible to absorb thermal movements at the same time. At the present time, there are 3 types of compensators and multi-layer textile compensators have significant advantages compared to others 1. Textile Compensators 2. Rubber Compensators 3. Metal Compensators
  • Great Movements: Textile Compensators can absorb multi directional movements within shorter distances.
  • Resistance Against Corrosion: Option to use various materials from elastomers to fluoroplastics, from fabrics to felts, makes selecting appropriate materials in each application possible. Materials, which have great resistance against corrosion such as fluoroplastics, extend life of compensators.
  • Preventing noise and vibration: textile compensators have noise and vibration reducing features unlike metal compensators. Since they are not affected by vibration, they can be operated for longer times compared to metal compensators.
  • Affordable Design Cost: Since textile compensators can absorb all kind of movenet at the same time, they are able to provide following advantages:
    • Ability to absorb multi directional movement’s enables to use far less number of compensators.
    • The same movements can be achieved with smaller ranges compered to metal compensators.
    • System geometry can be easier.
    • Usage of costly connection members is reduced.
    • Engineering time, which is required to design system is reduced.
  • Affordable material costs: Use of high-alloy corrosion resistant metal is not required. Diversity of Elastomer and fluoroplastic materials makes possible to select materials with lowest costs.
  • Affordable handling and mounting costs: Textile compensators are delivered to operations in a manner to provide easiest mounting possible. Since their weights are low, mounting workmanship becomes easier.
  • No need for gaskets: Since most of mounting made by welding or consist of monoblock flanges, there is no need to use gaskets (excluding situations where bolted metal flanges are used).
  • Affordable replacement costs: replacement of textile compensators can be performed in very short time. Compensators can be bought in integrated form as well as they can be bought in a form that to be integrated in site.
VLUU L110  / Samsung L110